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New Competition Suggestions


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Re: New Competition Suggestions
« Reply #60 on: July 21, 2006, 09:48:43 pm »
1. What's wrong with Hyper mode? If you can use it effectively, more power to you. Default settings should always apply as standard competition rules.

2. Why are Bonus and Emerald challenges split by team? Aren't they the same for all teams? (Certainly Emerald would have to be or that's just unfair.)

My suggestion for rankings would be:

Bonus Challenge 1 [Score / Link]
Bonus Challenge 2 [Score / Link]

<3 Thorn.

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Re: New Competition Suggestions
« Reply #61 on: July 21, 2006, 10:08:45 pm »
^The teams move at different speeds, mike.  Makes for harder linking.  Unless I'm just crazy, that is (and that's definitely possible, I haven't played Heroes in who-knows-how-long).

Perhaps Teams Sonic and Dark could be merged, but that's it.
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Re: New Competition Suggestions
« Reply #62 on: July 22, 2006, 02:28:13 am »
I'll need to check out the special stages to be sure that Team Sonic and Team Dark have the same obstacle intensity, possibly making one team's version of the run harder. Its been a while since I picked up SH, so its time for some research.
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Re: New Competition Suggestions
« Reply #63 on: July 22, 2006, 09:14:38 am »
Ive never noticed any difference between the teams during special stages
Did you not think I had a mind?

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Re: New Competition Suggestions
« Reply #64 on: July 22, 2006, 04:42:52 pm »
Rose and Chaotix might be at a disadvantage, but sonic and dark are the same.  The stages themselves aren't different from team to team though.  or maybe no one is different during special stages.  I really haven't noticed either.
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Friendly Competition, Perhaps?
« Reply #65 on: July 23, 2006, 03:03:46 pm »
Well, while this topic's sitting idly, howzabout some friendly competition?  We don't need to use a TSC bracket for everything, you know.  I started on the Sonic Shuffle mini-games that seem to be agreed upon by the four Sonic Shuffle supporters (can be edited later).

I set this up as a table, so that if any other supporters jump in (please?), I can list all the stats in one post instead of several posts scattered throughout the topic.

gs93knuckles_sonic8   ARRPEEGEE   F-Man   Max
Stop and Go345
Great Escape222530
Sonic Tank3460
Wrong Way Climb (as running character)330
Manic Maze (as maze controller)3245
Gargantua (as giant)3860
Gargantua (as gunner)403260
Eggbot's Attack! (as Eggbot controller)1930
Sonic Tank3460
Total Time3:12585:45
Sonic the Thief78
Sonic Slot (lower = better)30999
Sonic Gun Slinger5560
Sonic Live5056
Psychic Sonic55140
Sonic Tag3378
Shadow Tag4653
Frosty Rumble4865
Fun Fun Sonic69151
Thor's Hammer31
Bungee Jump (as bungee... er?)4450
Bungee Jump (as item carrier)5265
Manic Maze (in maze)35
Sonicooking (as chef)2245
Sonicooking (in pan)2322
Sonic DJ(as DJ)11185
Sonic DJ (on record)4847
Sonic Parasol5881
Ring Tide6292
Rapid Climb7089
Sky Bridge5972
Ring of Fire4554
Ring Lasso5768
Final Frontier8798
Sky Diving36
Sonic Surfing2834
Earth Quake1947
Void Battle79108

Now the Sonic Championship / Sonic the Fighters friendly competition listings.  This table would be HUGE, so there's no way I'm touching the table coding again.  Top three rankings for each level make it.  Default settings apply, else anything goes.  Colors represent characters used, as only Bark and Super Sonic are the same (Super Sonic stats will glow).

South Island
1st: 19"88 gs93
2nd: 42"15 ks8

Flying Carpet
1st: 30"05 gs93
2nd: 1'25"03 ks8

Aurora Icefield
1st: 25"56 gs93
2nd: 1'01"75 ks8

Mushroom Hill
1st: 28"66 gs93

Canyon Cruise
1st: 28"66 gs93

Casino Night
1st: 29"92 gs93

Dynamite Plant
1st: 31"52 gs93

Giant Wing
1st: 37"74 gs93

Death Egg's Eye
1st: 51"08 gs93

Final Stage
1st: 11"30 gs93

Total (as listed on High Scores screen)
1st: 5'11"17 gs93
« Last Edit: July 28, 2006, 02:17:39 pm by gs93 »
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Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: New Competition Suggestions
« Reply #66 on: July 26, 2006, 12:11:21 pm »
MANY changes since I was last here. Will review all things and will edit this post to let you all know what I've done.

FYI, gs93, I got 98 rings on Void Battle.

EDIT 1: Over the Rainbow and Tractor Beam Tag eliminated. Thanks for voicing your opinions everyone.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2006, 12:21:56 pm by knuckles_sonic8 »

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Re: New Competition Suggestions
« Reply #67 on: July 26, 2006, 12:29:28 pm »
How does this next Fighters rule make sense?
Quote from: knuckles_sonic8
You are not allowed to use Hyper Mode nor are you allowed to transform into Super Sonic on the last level if you compete in a Freestyle competition.
  The game FORCES you to use Hyper Mode in the last bout.  No go with that rule, so remove the Hangar submissions.

Remember, this is for the FREESTYLE and the "Hanger" level is already gone. I realized this already. Thanks though.

Why in the world did are Rings divisions split by character? Think of how we do SAdv3... there's tons of options for characters, so we compress them into one for easy competition. The special moves/attacks in Shuffle aren't reason enough for a split IMO.

I wanna see how other people respond to it. If there's a collective agreement against it, I'll remove it. Right now, let's leave it (and plus, I'm too lazy to change everything again and if I remove it and people want it back, I'll have to go through even more so just wait a while, okay?).

We need to note that the default 10 Rings given in the Toy Box mode count, and that in Story/Versus mode you have to tack on an extra 10 to match it.

I think I put something like this for just that reason:
"When competing in Ring Divisions, it is the number of Rings you recieve, or, the number of rings you increase by from your previous Ring Score (e.g., in Story Mode, your rings may recieve 32 rings from the Mini-Game, so your Ring Score would be 32. Simple.)"

Hopefully, it's clear. If not, can you help me re-word it? Thanks.

In the 1 vs. 3 games that are dependant on teamwork (most of the 1 vs. 3s have no team strategy whatsoever), it should be okay to record a time if a teammate finishes the game and you don't or are knocked out. Off the top of my head, Wrong Way Climb and Gargantua come to mind (someone usually has to bait the lone player in those games, so the others can accomplish something).

Done and done. One rule states the following:
"When competing in 1-Vs-3 Mini-Games for any of the divisions, the record will still count if the computer beats the game for you and you haven't gotten eliminated. However, if the computer wins and you are knocked out, the submission will not count."

That okay?
« Last Edit: July 26, 2006, 12:45:34 pm by knuckles_sonic8 »

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Re: New Competition Suggestions
« Reply #68 on: July 26, 2006, 12:38:42 pm »
^The teams move at different speeds, mike.  Makes for harder linking.  Unless I'm just crazy, that is (and that's definitely possible, I haven't played Heroes in who-knows-how-long).

Perhaps Teams Sonic and Dark could be merged, but that's it.

That's why I did that. Sonic and Dark maybe but as for Rose and Chaotix, the speeds are different making for more competition for both the teams. Don't worry, I thought a bit before I  posted that.

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Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: New Competition Suggestions
« Reply #69 on: July 26, 2006, 12:40:14 pm »
1. What's wrong with Hyper mode? If you can use it effectively, more power to you. Default settings should always apply as standard competition rules.

2. Why are Bonus and Emerald challenges split by team? Aren't they the same for all teams? (Certainly Emerald would have to be or that's just unfair.)

My suggestion for rankings would be:

Bonus Challenge 1 [Score / Link]
Bonus Challenge 2 [Score / Link]

For question 2, are you suggesting we do the "Most Links" category? How would it go? Each team? Each Challenge/Act? Can you elaborate a bit. Thanks.

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Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: New Competition Suggestions
« Reply #70 on: July 26, 2006, 12:47:23 pm »
gs93, remember the rule when you're submitting Ring Divisions:

"When competing in Ring Divisions, it is the number of Rings you recieve, or, the number of rings you increase by from your previous Ring Score (e.g., in Story Mode, your rings may recieve 32 rings from the Mini-Game, so your Ring Score would be 32. Simple.)"

In other words, don't add 10 in Story Mode or the 10 already recieved in Toy Box.

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Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: New Competition Suggestions
« Reply #71 on: July 26, 2006, 12:49:54 pm »
Here are some more records for you, gs93:

-South Island [Espio] : 42'15
-Magic Carpet [Espio] : 1'25"03
-Aurora Icefield [Espio]: 1'01"75

Can you do a sub-section in that post for Heroes, too? If you could, that would be great.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2006, 01:01:00 pm by knuckles_sonic8 »

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One post ftl?
« Reply #72 on: July 26, 2006, 06:44:19 pm »
^Does your browser not show the MODIFY button above posts?

gs93, remember the rule when you're submitting Ring Divisions:

"When competing in Ring Divisions, it is the number of Rings you recieve, or, the number of rings you increase by from your previous Ring Score (e.g., in Story Mode, your rings may recieve 32 rings from the Mini-Game, so your Ring Score would be 32. Simple.)"

In other words, don't add 10 in Story Mode or the 10 already recieved in Toy Box.

...okay.  Just thought it would make it easier to read what's on the screen instead of making everyone do math.  You know how people either fail at math or just plain forget to do that kind of stuff.  My biggest fear is that you're overcomplicating everything, what with the freestyle divisions, the constant rule changes, etc... remember the KISS rule.  *takes 10 off of every ring stat*
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Offline Bilan

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Re: New Competition Suggestions
« Reply #73 on: July 26, 2006, 07:20:54 pm »
Theres no need for a Freestyle division in Fighters, Hyper Mode is default rules, and as mike said, if you can use it effectivly more power to you.
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: New Competition Suggestions
« Reply #74 on: July 26, 2006, 07:22:18 pm »
Theres no need for a Freestyle division in Fighters, Hyper Mode is default rules, and as mike said, if you can use it effectivly more power to you.

Other opinions?

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Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: One post ftl?
« Reply #75 on: July 26, 2006, 07:24:53 pm »
^Does your browser not show the MODIFY button above posts?

gs93, remember the rule when you're submitting Ring Divisions:

"When competing in Ring Divisions, it is the number of Rings you recieve, or, the number of rings you increase by from your previous Ring Score (e.g., in Story Mode, your rings may recieve 32 rings from the Mini-Game, so your Ring Score would be 32. Simple.)"

In other words, don't add 10 in Story Mode or the 10 already recieved in Toy Box.

...okay.  Just thought it would make it easier to read what's on the screen instead of making everyone do math.  You know how people either fail at math or just plain forget to do that kind of stuff.  My biggest fear is that you're overcomplicating everything, what with the freestyle divisions, the constant rule changes, etc... remember the KISS rule.  *takes 10 off of every ring stat*

Sorry. What do you suggest we do, then? It's your call. I also think things are getting a bit iffy. What do you propose? Should we leave the rule then (sorry for all the work...) or change it back to what you originally suggested?

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Re: New Competition Suggestions
« Reply #76 on: July 26, 2006, 07:26:30 pm »
Well mike for one agrees with that X)

As does gs93, whom Im posting this for on his behalf as his Internets like, dieing or something and wont let him access TSC....MSN conversation ftw >_>
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: New Competition Suggestions
« Reply #77 on: July 26, 2006, 07:27:32 pm »
Well mike for one agrees with that X)

As does gs93, whom Im posting this for on his behalf as his Internets like, dieing or something and wont let him access TSC....MSN conversation ftw >_>

KK. It's causing too much hassle. I g2g but remind me next time i'm online, ok? I'll remove it. Thanks.

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Re: New Competition Suggestions
« Reply #78 on: July 26, 2006, 07:48:25 pm » Net is back for now.  And yes, I think a Hyper-less division is pointless.  I can't say I use it much anyway.  And in all honesty, I think the default 10 in Shuffle is important.  You need room to go down, and it allows for those "placeholder" stats everyone seems to love so much.  But I'm waiting for you to consent/diasgree before I touch the table again.  So... freakin'... annoying...

EDIT: Also, I need to get around to checking my Fighters stats.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2006, 08:13:58 pm by gs93 »
<RPGnutter> Well I think your reasoning was dumb, so you get sassed
<RPGnutter> Thats how it works

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: New Competition Suggestions
« Reply #79 on: July 26, 2006, 09:17:19 pm » Net is back for now.  And yes, I think a Hyper-less division is pointless.  I can't say I use it much anyway.  And in all honesty, I think the default 10 in Shuffle is important.  You need room to go down, and it allows for those "placeholder" stats everyone seems to love so much.  But I'm waiting for you to consent/diasgree before I touch the table again.  So... freakin'... annoying...

EDIT: Also, I need to get around to checking my Fighters stats.

Okay. Let's change it. What do you have in mind for the change, specifically? Can you re-word the rule I had?

EDIT: "Most Links" added for Heroes. Did I word/categorize it properly? I'm not sure. Feedback?

EDIt: Freestyle for Fighters removed. Thanks for voicing your opinions, again.

EDIT: Should we change character names for 1-VS-3 Mini-Games [e.g., Bungee Jump - Carrier and Jumper] to "Single Player" and "Team"?
« Last Edit: July 26, 2006, 09:28:53 pm by knuckles_sonic8 »

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Re: New Competition Suggestions
« Reply #80 on: July 26, 2006, 09:27:54 pm »
Simple.  No rules involving Hyper Mode at all.  Solves that.  And for Mini Games,

"Ring records are to be taken using the total given at the Results screen after using the Toy Box.  Story and Versus mode submissions are acceptable, as long as they account for rings gained/lost plus 10."

Voila.  Remember, this is your idea.  I'm just suggesting things.  Ultimately, it's your choice.  Would be nice if you decided soon, though, as I'd rather get the table re-situated sooner than later.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2006, 09:30:20 pm by gs93 »
<RPGnutter> Well I think your reasoning was dumb, so you get sassed
<RPGnutter> Thats how it works

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: New Competition Suggestions
« Reply #81 on: July 26, 2006, 09:32:52 pm »
Done and done.

New rule, also:

"Ring records for Board Clear Mini-Games can only be taken from Toy Box since there is no way to tell how much rings earned at the end in Story or Versus Mode."

Wording okay?

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Re: New Competition Suggestions
« Reply #82 on: July 26, 2006, 09:34:32 pm »
Well, yeah.  I assumed that rule was a given.  And I'm assuming that "done and done" means that the default ten rings count? *goes to re-modify table*
« Last Edit: July 26, 2006, 10:09:27 pm by gs93 »
<RPGnutter> Well I think your reasoning was dumb, so you get sassed
<RPGnutter> Thats how it works

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Re: New Competition Suggestions
« Reply #83 on: July 27, 2006, 02:02:14 am »
Oh, I see.

Whenever someone agrees with you you put something in place immediately.

But when someone disagrees you refuse to budge until you basically get screamed at.

Have you considered that perhaps we know what we're doing?

<3 Thorn.

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Re: New Competition Suggestions
« Reply #84 on: July 27, 2006, 10:13:09 am »
Quote from: knuckles_sonic8
EDIT: Should we change character names for 1-VS-3 Mini-Games [e.g., Bungee Jump - Carrier and Jumper] to "Single Player" and "Team"?

Yeah, actually.  I just put those down in the initial listing way back on page 1 to clarify the different roles.  I didn't think you'd go with them, but once you did I didn't touch 'em.

To avoid having more posts like the one above (I woke up drowsy and really had to work to interpret which one of us "you" was... and he's right, too), maybe you should just lay down all of the rules you've "set" so far.  Iron out all of the kinks before going any farther, because in all honesty it really does seem like a war of who can hold their stance longest on these rules.
<RPGnutter> Well I think your reasoning was dumb, so you get sassed
<RPGnutter> Thats how it works

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: New Competition Suggestions
« Reply #85 on: July 27, 2006, 09:01:51 pm »
Oh, I see.

Whenever someone agrees with you you put something in place immediately.

But when someone disagrees you refuse to budge until you basically get screamed at.

Have you considered that perhaps we know what we're doing?

He's brought this up for a while and this is not the first time I declined if you're referring to the 10-Ring Toy Box thingy.

And anyway, there's no need to overreact. I'll keep this in mind though. Thanks for bringing it to my attention...

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Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: New Competition Suggestions
« Reply #86 on: July 27, 2006, 09:03:13 pm »
Quote from: knuckles_sonic8
EDIT: Should we change character names for 1-VS-3 Mini-Games [e.g., Bungee Jump - Carrier and Jumper] to "Single Player" and "Team"?

Yeah, actually.  I just put those down in the initial listing way back on page 1 to clarify the different roles.  I didn't think you'd go with them, but once you did I didn't touch 'em.

To avoid having more posts like the one above (I woke up drowsy and really had to work to interpret which one of us "you" was... and he's right, too), maybe you should just lay down all of the rules you've "set" so far.  Iron out all of the kinks before going any farther, because in all honesty it really does seem like a war of who can hold their stance longest on these rules.

Can't be online anymore so remind me next time I'm online if I forget. I'll make a mental note and be sure to do it first thing next time.

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Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: New Competition Suggestions
« Reply #87 on: July 27, 2006, 09:28:34 pm »
Here's the whole enchalata [sp?] thus far:

(P.S - I'd like to thank ALL supporters for without you, I would never have made it this far. Thank you for your support and please take not of the "PENDING" sections whereby things may needed to be resolved. Thanks again.)

Recent edits will be marked with this: EDIT: for easy reading.


Rings Division:
1. Emerald Coast (Sonic)
2. Emerald Coast (Tails)
3. Emerald Coast (Knuckles)
4. Emerald Coast (Amy)
5. Emerald Coast (Super Sonic)
6. Emerald Coast (Big)
7. Emerald Coast (Chao)
8. Emerald Coast (Gamma)
9. Fire Bird (Sonic)
10. Fire Bird (Tails)
11. Fire Bird (Knuckles)
12. Fire Bird (Amy)
13. Fire Bird (Super Sonic)
14. Fire Bird (Big)
15. Fire Bird (Chao)
16. Fire Bird (Gamma)
17. Nature Zone (Sonic)
18. Nature Zone (Tails)
19. Nature Zone (Knuckles)
20. Nature Zone (Amy)
21. Nature Zone (Super Sonic)
22. Nature Zone (Big)
23. Nature Zone (Chao)
24. Nature Zone (Gamma)
25. Riot Train (Sonic)
26. Riot Train (Tails)
27. Riot Train (Knuckles)
28. Riot Train (Amy)
29. Riot Train (Super Sonic)
30. Riot Train (Big)
31. Riot Train (Chao)
32. Riot Train (Gamma)
33. Fourth Dimension Space (Sonic)
34. Fourth Dimension Space (Tails)
35. Fourth Dimension Space (Knuckles)
36. Fourth Dimension Space (Amy)
37. Fourth Dimension Space (Super Sonic)
38. Fourth Dimension Space (Big)
39. Fourth Dimension Space (Chao)
40. Fourth Dimension Space (Gamma)

41. Sonic Gun Slinger
42. Sonic Live
43. Psychic Sonic
44. Sonic Tag
45. Shadow Tag
46. Frosty Rumble
47. Fun Fun Sonic
48. Thor's Hammer
49. Bucket-O-Rings
50. Bungee Jump [Character: Single Player]
51. Bungee Jump [Character: Team]
52. Manic Maze [Character: Team]
53. Sonicooking [Character: Single Player]
54. Sonicooking [Character: Team]
55. Sonic DJ [Character: Single Player]
56. Sonic DJ [Character: Victim]
57. Sonic Parasol
58. Ring Tide
59. Rapid Climb
60. Sky Bridge
61. Ring of Fire
62. Ring Lasso
63. Final Frontier
64. Sky Diving
65. Sonic Surfing
66. Earth Quake
67. Void Battle
EDIT: 68. Twister
69. Total [Rings]

Scores Division:
1. Emerald Coast - Most Emblems
2. Emerald Coast - Most Precioustones
3. Fire Bird - Most Emblems
4. Fire Bird - Most Precioustones
5. Nature Zone - Most Emblems
6. Nature Zone - Most Precioustones
7. Riot Train - Most Emblems
8. Riot Train - Most Precioustones
9. Fourth Dimension Space - Most Emblems
10. Fourth Dimension Space - Most Precioustones
11. Sonic the Thief
12. Sonic Slot [Note to Admin: "A lower score is a person's goal in this game, not a higher score."]

*No "Total" for Score.

Times Division:
1. Stop and Go
2. Great Escape
3. Sonic Tank
4. Wrong Way Climb [Character: Team]
5. Manic Maze [Character: Single Player]
6. Gargantua [Character: Single Player]
7. Gargantua [Character: Team]
8. Eggbot's Attack [Character: Single Player]
9. Croc-Attack
10. Total [Time]

Special Rules:
EDIT: -Submissions must be made with Computer players on the Normal Difficulty. If on Easy or Hard, or if you play with a friend, your submission will not count.
-Submissions for Stages can be done in either Story Mode or Versus Mode. However, in Story Mode, Rings collected in the Final Mini-Game do not count towards your final score.
-Getting a Forcejewel in a Mini-Game does not earn you extra rings.
-Ring records are to be taken using the total given at the Results Screen after a Mini-Game in the Toy Box. Story and Versus mode submissions are acceptable, as long as they account for the extra 10 rings that are given in Toy Box Mini-Games.
-Ring records for Board Clear Mini-Games can only be taken from Toy Box since there is no way to tell how much rings earned at the end in Story or Versus Mode.
-When competing in Time Divisions, it is the number of seconds left on the timer you complete the game with.
-No 'auto controllers' are allowed to be used for any of the divisions.
-When competing in 1-Vs-3 Mini-Games for any of the divisions, the record will still count if the computer beats the game for you and you haven't gotten eliminated. However, if the computer wins and you are knocked out, the submission will not count.

1. Stage Divisions: per character? per mode - Story/Versus?
2. Are Special Rules 1-8 worded right?
3. Still no 'Egg in Space' or 'Number Jump' [for Time], right? {Just making sure.}
EDIT: 4. Since there is no "Total" for the Score Divisions, why don't we have Most Emblems for each Stage [Precioustones... not so sure...]? Feedback?

EDIT: Just for your information everyone, the Mini-Game "Twister" never made it to the final list for some reason. Maybe I forgot why we never put it in...? Anyway, it's in the Rings Division so does anyone have any opinions on this?



Times Division:
1. South Island [Sonic]
2. South Island [Tails]
3. South Island [Knuckles]
4. South Island [Amy]
5. South Island [Espio]
6. South Island [Bark]
7. South Island [Bean]
8. South Island [Fang]
9. Flying Carpet [Sonic]
10. Flying Carpet [Tails]
11. Flying Carpet [Knuckles]
12. Flying Carpet [Amy]
13. Flying Carpet [Espio]
14. Flying Carpet [Bark]
15. Flying Carpet [Bean]
16. Flying Carpet [Fang]
17. Aurora Icefield [Sonic]
18. Aurora Icefield [Tails]
19. Aurora Icefield [Knuckles]
20. Aurora Icefield [Amy]
21. Aurora Icefield [Espio]
22. Aurora Icefield [Bark]
23. Aurora Icefield [Bean]
24. Aurora Icefield [Fang]
25. Mushroom Hill [Sonic]
26. Mushroom Hill [Tails]
27. Mushroom Hill [Knuckles]
28. Mushroom Hill [Amy]
29. Mushroom Hill [Espio]
30. Mushroom Hill [Bark]
31. Mushroom Hill [Bean]
32. Mushroom Hill [Fang]
33. Canyon Cruise [Sonic]
34. Canyon Cruise [Tails]
35. Canyon Cruise [Knuckles]
36. Canyon Cruise [Amy]
37. Canyon Cruise [Espio]
38. Canyon Cruise [Bark]
39. Canyon Cruise [Bean]
40. Canyon Cruise [Fang]
41. Casino Night [Sonic]
42. Casino Night [Tails]
43. Casino Night [Knuckles]
44. Casino Night [Amy]
45. Casino Night [Espio]
46. Casino Night [Bark]
47. Casino Night [Bean]
48. Casino Night [Fang]
49. Dynamite Plant [Sonic]
50. Dynamite Plant [Tails]
51. Dynamite Plant [Knuckles]
52. Dynamite Plant [Amy]
53. Dynamite Plant [Espio]
54. Dynamite Plant [Bark]
55. Dynamite Plant [Bean]
56. Dynamite Plant [Fang]
57. Giant Wing [Sonic]
58. Giant Wing [Tails]
59. Giant Wing [Knuckles]
60. Giant Wing [Amy]
61. Giant Wing [Espio]
62. Giant Wing [Bark]
63. Giant Wing [Bean]
64. Giant Wing [Fang]
65. Death Egg's Eye [Sonic]
66. Death Egg's Eye [Tails]
67. Death Egg's Eye [Knuckles]
68. Death Egg's Eye [Amy]
69. Death Egg's Eye [Espio]
70. Death Egg's Eye [Bark]
71. Death Egg's Eye [Bean]
72. Death Egg's Eye [Fang]
73. Death Egg's Eye [Super Sonic]
74. Robotnik's Hangar [Sonic]
75. Robotnik's Hangar [Tails]
76. Robotnik's Hangar [Knuckles]
77. Robotnik's Hangar [Amy]
78. Robotnik's Hangar [Espio]
79. Robotnik's Hangar [Bark]
80. Robotnik's Hangar [Bean]
81. Robotnik's Hangar [Fang]
82. Robotnik's Hangar [Super Sonic]
83. All [Sonic]
84. All [Tails]
85. All [Knuckles]
86. All [Amy]
87. All [Espio]
88. All [Bark]
89. All [Bean]
90. All [Fang]

Special Rules:
-You are allowed to use Hyper Mode as many times as you like.
-All submissions and records must be made on Normal Difficulty only.
-All options must be left to their defaults for your times to count. This includes 'Barrier: 5', 'Hyper Mode: On', 'Automatic: Off', 'Damage: Low', 'Match Time: 30', 'Energy Max: Normal', and 'Match Count: 2'. Changing any will result in a void submission.
-If you become Super Sonic on the last level, your final clear time can count towards the "All [Sonic]" category.



Scores Division:
Bonus Challenge 1 (Sonic/Dark)
Bonus Challenge 1 (Rose)
Bonus Challenge 1 (Chaotix)
Bonus Challenge 2 (Sonic/Dark)
Bonus Challenge 2 (Rose)
Bonus Challenge 2 (Chaotix)
Bonus Challenge 3 (Sonic/Dark)
Bonus Challenge 3 (Rose)
Bonus Challenge 3 (Chaotix)
Bonus Challenge 4 (Sonic/Dark)
Bonus Challenge 4 (Rose)
Bonus Challenge 4 (Chaotix)
Bonus Challenge 5 (Sonic/Dark)
Bonus Challenge 5 (Rose)
Bonus Challenge 5 (Chaotix)
Bonus Challenge 6 (Sonic/Dark)
Bonus Challenge 6 (Rose)
Bonus Challenge 6 (Chaotix)
Bonus Challenge 7 (Sonic/Dark)
Bonus Challenge 7 (Rose)
Bonus Challenge 7 (Chaotix)

Emerald Challenge 1 (Sonic/Dark)
Emerald Challenge 1 (Rose)
Emerald Challenge 1 (Chaotix)
Emerald Challenge 2 (Sonic/Dark)
Emerald Challenge 2 (Rose)
Emerald Challenge 2 (Chaotix)
Emerald Challenge 3 (Sonic/Dark)
Emerald Challenge 3 (Rose)
Emerald Challenge 3 (Chaotix)
Emerald Challenge 4 (Sonic/Dark)
Emerald Challenge 4 (Rose)
Emerald Challenge 4 (Chaotix)
Emerald Challenge 5 (Sonic/Dark)
Emerald Challenge 5 (Rose)
Emerald Challenge 5 (Chaotix)
Emerald Challenge 6 (Sonic/Dark)
Emerald Challenge 6 (Rose)
Emerald Challenge 6 (Chaotix)
Emerald Challenge 7 (Sonic/Dark)
Emerald Challenge 7 (Rose)
Emerald Challenge 7 (Chaotix)

Total (Sonic/Dark)
Total (Rose)
Total (Chaotix)

Overall - Most Links (Sonic/Dark)
Overall - Most Links (Dark)
Overall - Most Links (Rose)
Overall - Most Links (Chaotix)

Special Rules:

1. Could we make totals seperate for each S.S {i.e., Emerald VS Bonus)?
2. Are divisions 61-64 okay?


NEW: Shadow the Hedgehog:

Ring Divisions:
1. Westopolis
2. Digital Circuit
3. Glyphic Canyon
4. Lethal Highway
5. Crytpic Castle
6. Prison Island
7. Circus Park
8. Central City
9. The Doom
10. Sky Troops
11. Mad Matrix
12. Death Ruins
13. The ARK
14. Air Fleet
15. Iron Jungle
16. Space Gadget
17. Lost Impact
18. GUN Fortress
19. Black Comet
20. Lava Shelter
21. Cosmic Fall
22. Final Haunt
23. The Last Way

Special Rules:


NEW: Sonic Advance 3:

Ring Divisions:

1. Route 99, Act 1
2. Route 99, Act 2
3. Sunset Hill, Act 1
4. Sunset Hill, Act 2
5. Ocean Base, Act 1
6. Ocean Base, Act 2
7. Toy Kingdom, Act 1
8. Toy Kingdom, Act 2
9. Twinkle Snow, Act 1
10. Twinkle Snow, Act 2
11. Cyber Track, Act 1
12. Cyber Track, Act 2
13. Chaos Angel, Act 1
14. Chaos Angel, Act 2

Special Rules:


1. Is Sonic Labyrinth still up for debate?
« Last Edit: August 01, 2006, 04:38:32 pm by knuckles_sonic8 »

Current Competition Focus: ---
Wants S&S All-Stars Racing

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Re: New Competition Suggestions
« Reply #88 on: July 27, 2006, 10:32:51 pm »
Okay, let's see:

For Fighters:

Only one rule is required here - something like "All options must be set to their defaults [insert whatever they are]".

For Shuffle, I'd have every character on the hardest difficulty, but that's just me. Single player play should be the only play acceptable (see Sonic 2 or Knuckles Chaotix for precedents).

For Heroes... I don't understand what you're doing with the links. If you're going to have a total, you have to have each individual stage's link count.

Moreover, I don't believe links should be done for the emerald challenges, as it stops as soon as you catch the emerald.

And I still think the teams should be combined into one, unless someone can confirm for me that there are sufficient differences to warrant a split.

<3 Thorn.

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Re: New Competition Suggestions
« Reply #89 on: July 27, 2006, 10:52:38 pm »
As far as the ShtH ring and SH extra score divisions are concerned. Here's a build.
ShtH. (Note: only one division per stage is needed and there is a cap in Circus Park)
1. Westopolis
2. Digital Circuit (perfection most likely impossible)
3. Glyphic Canyon
4. Lethal Highway
5. Crytpic Castle
6. Prison Island
7. Circus Park
8. Central City (maybe one of the more difficult stages to do well in)
9. The Doom
10. Sky Troops
11. Mad Matrix
12. Death Ruins
13. The ARK
14. Air Fleet
15. Iron Jungle
16. Space Gadget
17. Lost Impact
18. GUN Fortress
19. Black Comet
20. Lava Shelter
21. Cosmic Fall (see Central City)
22. Final Haunt
23. The Last Way (see Central City, for same reason that stage maybe difficult)
-SH (Stages in which the extra stage is the same mission with a time limit are excluded)
1. Seaside Hill
2. Ocean Palace (maybe difficult to do well in)
3. Power Plant
4. Casino Park
5. Bingo Highway
6. Bullet Station
7. Lost Jungle
8. Hang Castle (see Ocean Palace)
9. Mystic Mansion
10. Final Fortress
-I keep putting off the bonus stage testing for SH. I'll have to do that tommorrow to test a theory that Team Sonic versions of the bonus stages might be harder to do well at than Team Dark ones due to Knuckles' smaller collision size (compared to the rest of the power characters) making it more difficult to catch more orbs while in power formation or to a lesser extent flight formation when manipulating a pulley.
Ever know what its like to get pwned by a book? Sonic certainly does.


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